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SUSY Asylum Lorne Family Vault Volume 2 Michael Pierce Books

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In SUSY Asylum, there is no release. There is no escape. No hope.

Provex City is a wonder of beautiful treasures, enticing Oliver and Desiree to return. Oliver also learns how powerful the Lorne family really is, even with Kafka gone. They seem to have a hand in everything, as well as the keys to the kingdom with just a flash of the family crest.

Oliver and Desiree make a new friend, Darius Fitz, who introduces them to the writings of a mysterious blogger, Commodore Chaos. This blogger claims Lorne loyalists are snatching inter-plane travelers and delivering them to the Lorne run SUSY Asylum for the Criminally Insane.

When there is another sudden disappearance, Oliver begins to take the conspiracy blogger’s warnings more seriously and sets out to find the mythical asylum himself. Seek and ye shall find. But Oliver is not ready for the horrors that await him there.

Oliver’s belief in himself is waning. Desiree will not always be by his side. Mr. Gordon will not always come to his aid. Oliver finds himself alone, forced to confront his biggest fears, fight his inner demons, and face the very cold reality that no one is coming to save him.

Welcome to SUSY Asylum.

Revised Edition This edition of SUSY Asylum contains editorial revisions.

SUSY Asylum Lorne Family Vault Volume 2 Michael Pierce Books

SUSY Asylum is a book that reminds me of Inception crossed with Poltergeist 3. Michael breathes life into multiple planes of existence in this book. We get more background on characters we met in "Provex City" and are given little snippets along the way of the horrible events that brought T.J. and Desiree's love to ruin (I really felt bad for both of them and wished that T.J. had sought help for his problems because he obviously did not mean to "date rape" his girlfriend as he loved her very much).

Oliver is a great character through which to experience Mr. Pierce's world. When I say I compare the book to the stories shown in Inception and Poltergeist 3, it's merely because moving between planes of existence seems almost dreamlike in its quality. And the book comes to a resounding conclusion when Oliver finds himself trapped in the world on the other side of the mirror and a captive of his own reflection. The sinister reflection (who goes by Nero) wants to use Oliver's body as a means to live forever.

Susy Asylum is a worthy successor to Provex City, and those who like Inception will most likely find this particularly offering irresistible.

Product details

  • Series Lorne Family Vault (Book 2)
  • Paperback 484 pages
  • Publisher ParousiaSix Publishing; 2 edition (April 27, 2013)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 061579047X

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Tags : SUSY Asylum (Lorne Family Vault) (Volume 2) (9780615790473): Michael Pierce: Books,Michael Pierce,SUSY Asylum (Lorne Family Vault) (Volume 2),ParousiaSix Publishing,061579047X,Fantasy - Contemporary,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Contemporary
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SUSY Asylum Lorne Family Vault Volume 2 Michael Pierce Books Reviews

Disclaimer Susy Asylum is Book Two of the Lorne Family Vault. I will be reviewing that tomorrow. I know, I know!! I'm doing it backwards here) I would suggest that you read the books in order because each book is a continuation where you learn more about Provex City, the characters, and the mysterious goings on of the Lornes. Sooooo, with that being said, here's my review of Susy Asylum.....
Oliver, the protagonist, is a high school student with special abilities. He's able to travel between planes and can visit Provex City, a magical place, at will. In Susy Asylum, Oliver and his friend Desiree begin to hear oddly rambling blog posts that make dangerous claims about the Lornes and their asylum. His claims that the Lornes are kidnapping plane travelers and locking them away in the asylum are insane. Or are they? And what about the evil others in the mirror?
Despite the aid of Mr. Gordon and his friendship with Desiree, Oliver is still a young boy who has had a lot of events, both traumatic and exciting, happen to him since his family's move to their new house. He's been bullied, haunted, trained, almost killed and he's only in high school still. Provex City is supposed to be a fantastical link to his father, a place where people have special abilities. With the dire warnings of Commodore Chaos, Oliver starts to feel despair and fear.
I would love to tell more of the story but I don't do spoilers so I feel like anything more that I tell you will give all the good stuff away. As a sci-fi and paranormal buff, I really loved both books with their combination of magic and ghosts, an evil family and interplanal (ok, so I made it up!) travel, creepy killer reflections and a morbid asylum. Also, Oliver isn't popular or athletic or super smart or gorgeous. He's an ordinary kid in many ways, worrying about girls and his older brother, playing with his dog, just trying to live his life like so many other kids, except that he has the added burden of losing his father and trying to reconcile his role in Provex City and the rebellion. He's definitely an empathetic character and that is important to me as a reader.
Since the first book sort of ended in a place that drove me crazy, I was more than eager to read the second one and find out what the heck was gonna happen next. I had come to adore Oliver and his voice and I was excited to read another book from his perspective.

The book takes place a few weeks after the first book ended. Not too much time has passed and the characters are just getting back into the groove of things after the epic inter- dimensional travel from book one. Okay, maybe dimensional is the wrong world. Whatever- I'm still using it.

Anyway! After some crazy teenage drama, the characters return to Provex City. If you read the first book, we only got a taste of the alternate... dimension. *sigh* world, dimension, WHATEVER. Anyway, we only got a small taste of it. This book is chock full of Provex City. ( A few of the nagging questions from book one are touched on, but there is still SO MUCH left to be answered. I don't know who all the bad guys are or who might be a good guy.

Susy Asylum still has the original paranormal, yet fantasy vibe we got from book one and all the characters from book one are back in semi- full force.

Some parts of the books had me worried. There was the small problem that a character I had sort of adored in book one began to grate on my nerves.. Don't worry, it's not Oliver. D He's still great (well, yeah, for the most part). But I felt that after one slip up in book one, this character would reaffirm their awesomeness in my eyes. *sigh* I guess I will just have to see if they earn back my love in book 3.

The whole concept of this book had me freaking out a few times. I mean... an asylum? How cool/ terrifying is that? I kept picturing American Horror Story (which to be honest gave me nightmares. Aliens... *shudders* Getting back on topic) But man, there are some twists that you DO NOT see coming. *nods* So , Michael Pierce has managed to create an entertaining and well- thought out sequel to his Provex city filled with more action and creativity than its predecessor. But it still left me with so many freaking questions. O.O

And seriously? The ending? Come on, man. *glares* Why do you do this to me? WHY?

Rating 3.9/5 D
SUSY Asylum is a book that reminds me of Inception crossed with Poltergeist 3. Michael breathes life into multiple planes of existence in this book. We get more background on characters we met in "Provex City" and are given little snippets along the way of the horrible events that brought T.J. and Desiree's love to ruin (I really felt bad for both of them and wished that T.J. had sought help for his problems because he obviously did not mean to "date rape" his girlfriend as he loved her very much).

Oliver is a great character through which to experience Mr. Pierce's world. When I say I compare the book to the stories shown in Inception and Poltergeist 3, it's merely because moving between planes of existence seems almost dreamlike in its quality. And the book comes to a resounding conclusion when Oliver finds himself trapped in the world on the other side of the mirror and a captive of his own reflection. The sinister reflection (who goes by Nero) wants to use Oliver's body as a means to live forever.

Susy Asylum is a worthy successor to Provex City, and those who like Inception will most likely find this particularly offering irresistible.
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